Monday, June 24, 2024


Shall we start a new tour? I say let's do it. All aboard! This will be a quick look at covers that have paid homage to the iconic cover of The Flash (vol. 1) #123, featuring "The Flash of Two Worlds". In case you might be unfamiliar with this particular issue, it is the first time the Silver Age Flash meets the Golden Age Flash. The story establishes the notion of the multiverse, a concept that's now universally utilized in all forms of comic books and science fiction. This issue is one of the most iconic comic books of all time. It ushered in a resurgence of the Justice Society of America, and provided a concept the DC could utilize when introducing many of the characters they would later acquire from Fawcett Comics, Quality Comics, and Charlton Comics into the DC universe.

The Flash #123, cover art by Carmine Infantino and Murphy Anderson

The covers that pay homage to this classic tale will be presented in no particular order.  Enjoy!

Friday, May 24, 2024


Batman has had many female villains over his 85 years being published.  Should you ask any comic book reader, or non-comic book reader, to name Batman's primary female villain, odds are quite high that their answer will be... Catwoman.  She's been around almost as long as the Caped Crusader himself.  As of 2024, there have been 11 actors who have portrayed Catwoman on television or in film.  On this tour, we will present each of these actors and look at the projects that they appeared in.

Grab your ticket, and jump on board!  Let the Catwoman tour commence!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


In 1978 (the same year the Superman movie debuted), DC Comics began publication of a new title, DC Comics Presents.  This new title was dedicated to teaming Superman with other heroes each month.  After all, Batman had been enjoying this monthly team-up format since 1966 (the same year the Batman television show debuted) in the pages of The Brave and the Bold.  DC Comics Presents had an impressive 97-issue run, ending in 1986.  The cancellation was due to the events of the Crisis on Infinite Earths maxi-series that redefined the DC Universe. 

This was not Superman's first time being given a monthly team-up opportunity though!  Through most of its years in publication, World's Finest Comics served as a title that teamed Superman and Batman (and Robin) each month.  However, for a very short period from 1970 through 1972 World's Finest Comics served as a vehicle for Superman to team with other heroes instead. 

In this tour, we will look at Superman's monthly team-ups from before DC Comics Presents!

Thursday, May 2, 2024


The Justice Society of America holds the distinction of being the first superhero "group" or "team" ever published in comic books.  Their first appearance was in All-Star Comics #3 (January 1941).  The team's adventures were published through the end of the DC Golden Age, with their last adventure published in February 1951.   

When DC's Silver Age began in 1956, it wasn't long before the Justice Society made a grand return!  In this tour, we will look at all the Justice Society of America members from the team's debut through the publication of DC's Crisis on Infinite Earths maxi-series, which forever altered the Society's continuity.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


When I was 12 years old, I discovered a coverless giant-sized Batman comic in one of the boxes of outdated comics sold for a nickel or dime (depending on size) at Andrews Tobacco Stand in my hometown of Calais, Maine.  This particular comic was filled with reprinted tales originally published in the 1950s.  Among the many tales was one containing a character called Batwoman.   From the story, it was obvious this was not her first appearance.  In fact, Batman and Robin treated her as part of their "team".  Who was this woman?  Why had I never heard of her before now?  What happened to her?

I became obsessed with finding out all I could about this intriguing woman... clad in shadowed yellow and red, who at some point before I began reading comics, had been a regular partner of the caped crusader! 

In this tour, I'll take a look at every comic book that featured the original Batwoman (Kathy Kane) on its cover.  Along the way, I'll provide some narrative to provide some insight into her character and some of her adventures with Batman and Robin.

Saturday, March 30, 2024


In 1967, new Legion of Super-Heroes scribe, Jim Shooter, wrote a story where, rather than a teen Superboy traveling 1000 years into the future to visit a teen-centric Legion of Super-Heroes.... instead an (adult) Superman travels 1000 years into his future to visit an "Adult Legion".

This story foretells the fates of nearly all the existing Legion of Super-Heroes members of the era, as well as predicting some heroes destined to eventually join the team.

In this tour, we will look at the many events this "Adult Legion" tale (Adventure Comics #354 and #355) would predict, and examine how many actually came to be!   Get some popcorn, then sit back and enjoy the Adult Legion Tour!

Friday, March 22, 2024


In 1968, Wonder Woman entered what is commonly referred to as her "mod" era.  Writer Denny O'Neil took over as the writer on her title, and promptly stripped her of her powers by having Paradise Island phase into an alternate dimension.  Because of this, she resigned her membership in the Justice League of America.

In 1973 the Amazons and Paradise Island returned from their dimension hopping.  As a result, Princess Diana regained her powers and soon began operating again as Wonder Woman. When she is asked to return to active membership in the Justice League, Diana doesn't remember ever taking a leave of absence.  It soon becomes clear that Diana has no memory of the time she spent powerless.  Because of this, she expresses concern about returning to the team because she worries her faltering memory might prove to be a danger to herself and the team.  As a way of making sure she is fit, Diana is inspired by the 12 Labors of Hercules and asks if the Justice League members will monitor her next twelve adventures, and judge whether they find her fit to serve on the team.

This tour will briefly review The 12 Labors of Wonder Woman which were featured in Wonder Woman (vol. 1) #212 through #222.

Sunday, March 3, 2024


The Doom Patrol is a team of misfits and outcasts who band together to battle evil and help mankind using powers they have been gifted with (or cursed with, based on one's point of view).

The original Doom Patrol premiered in 1963.  Since that time, there have been numerous versions of the team that DC Comics has published.

Here at The Eggman's Comic Book Tours, we've already taken a look at the first two versions of this offbeat team.  As we continue this tour, we'll look at the additional heroes who were members of more updated versions of the Doom Patrol beginning in 2001 through 2018.  This is Part II of our look at the membership of the Doom Patrol.  Fasten your seatbelts and let's put this tour into motion!

Saturday, March 2, 2024


In 1963, two new superhero teams made their debut.  Each consisted of members who were outcasts from society, and both teams were led by a man in a wheelchair.  One of these teams was the X-Men, published by Marvel Comics, debuting in X-Men (vol. 1) #1 with a cover date of September 1963.  The other group, published by DC Comics, was the Doom Patrol.  This team made their debut in My Greatest Adventure #80... three months before the X-Men.

The Doom Patrol, like the X-Men, has had many incarnations.  The Doom Patrol has never garnered the popularity of its Marvel counterpart team, but it has certainly had its share of popular publication periods over the years.  In this tour, we will look at the various individuals who have been members of the Doom Patrol, in six various rosters, from 1963 through 2020. 

Because of the longevity and accumulated membership of various Doom Patrols, this tour will be broken into two legs!  The first leg commences here...

Saturday, February 10, 2024


In Superman's very first appearance in Action Comics #1 (1938), readers are introduced to one of his regular costars... reporter Lois Lane.  Two years later, Superman's arch-nemesis, Lex Luthor, debuted. 

People with the initials L.L. soon became a mainstay in the life of our Kryptonian hero!  In this tour, we'll take a look at the many characters with the initials L.L. who played a role in the existence of DC's original hero!  The entries of this tour will be presented in no particular order.  Enjoy the ride!


Wednesday, January 24, 2024


As of 2024, there have been 11 actors who have portrayed the role of "Ma" Kent in television or film.  In this tour, we will take a look at each of these actors and the vehicles that inducted them into the pantheon of DC Comic's greatest superhero.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024



This scene is from the opening credits of Challenge of the Super Friends, the third of seven iterations of the Super Friends cartoon franchise.  Two teams, en masse, rushing into battle against each other!

This depiction of what I'm going to call "the team face-off" did not originate on Challenge of the Super Friends.  Actually, it was first depicted on the cover of an issue of Justice League of America in 1967. 

On this tour, we will visit that Justice League of America cover, and then look at some other covers that were inspired by it.

Monday, January 15, 2024


In 1973, an annual Justice League/Justice Society crossover story included a new team of heroes. These heroes resided on an alternate Earth that would become known in the DC multiverse as Earth-X. This team of new heroes was called the Freedom Fighters. As I read this two-issue tale, I was in fanboy heaven discovering these new characters. I would eventually learn that the Freedom Fighters were characters who were originally published by another comic book company called Quality Comics. In this tour, we'll take a look at these Freedom Fighters and many other Quality Comics heroes. All aboard!

Justice League of America (vol. 1) #107, cover art by Nick Cardy

Thursday, January 11, 2024


DC Comics has a multitude of superheroes in its stable.  With the possible exception of Batman, the hero with the best array of villains has consistently been the Flash.  

On this tour, we will take a look at the Rogue Gallery of the Silver/Bronze Age (Barry Allen) Flash.


At the time of this posting (2024), there have been ten actresses who have portrayed the character of Lana Lang on television or film.   This quick tour will take a look at each of them.  How many do you remember?!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


The history of (pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths) Steve Trevor is one giant hot mess! This character was put through the wringer over and over again. In this tour, we will try and break down the important moments in the life of one of Wonder Woman's primary supporting characters.

Sunday, January 7, 2024


Heroes with wings have existed almost since the inception of the comic book superhero genre.  In this tour, we will take a look at the many winged heroes who have been published by DC Comics.


Shall we start a new tour? I say let's do it. All aboard! This will be a quick look at covers that have paid homage to the iconic cov...