In 1967, new Legion of Super-Heroes scribe, Jim Shooter, wrote a story where, rather than a teen Superboy traveling 1000 years into the future to visit a teen-centric Legion of Super-Heroes.... instead an (adult) Superman travels 1000 years into his future to visit an "Adult Legion".
This story foretells the fates of nearly all the existing Legion of Super-Heroes members of the era, as well as predicting some heroes destined to eventually join the team.
In this tour, we will look at the many events this "Adult Legion" tale (Adventure Comics #354 and #355) would predict, and examine how many actually came to be! Get some popcorn, then sit back and enjoy the Adult Legion Tour!
As we commence this tour, I'm reminded of a quote from Captain Janeway on the TV series Star Trek: Voyager, "Time travel gives me a headache!" While the Legion of Super-Heroes (introduced in Adventure Comics #247 in 1958) proved to be a popular commodity for DC Comics, it wasn't without its own time-traveling hiccups and poorly thought-out reasoning! For example, the Legion was consistently said to exist 1000 years in the future... that 1000 years being from whatever date the comic book was published. But the Legion stories typically revolved around Superboy... who technically exists at least 10 to 15 years in the past... since it is as Superman that he supposedly exists in the current time!
But let us remember, these original time-traveling tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes were written half a century ago, for an audience generally willing to dismiss such minutia! So, with that same whimsical frame of mind... here we go!
Entry #1 - Chemical King
The cover of Adventure Comics #354 features Superman observing statues of Legion members who died while serving in the group. This was especially poignant because Legion member Ferro Lad had sacrificed his life just one issue prior.
The statue next to Ferro Lad is that of Chemical King. This cover would mark his first appearance. His plaque states he died preventing World War VII.
Chemical King was officially introduced in Adventure Comics #371 (August 1968). He was a member of the Legion Academy and earned membership in the main team. He died, as predicted, in Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #228 (June 1977), preventing World War VII from being started.
Adventure Comics #354, cover art by Curt Swan and George Klein |
Entry #2 - Quantum Queen
Quantum Queen is the next statue shown. This would be her first appearance. She is said to have died "preventing an escape from the Cosmos Prison."
Quantum Queen was eventually introduced as a character in Adventure Comics #375 (December 1968). She is a member of a superhero team called The Wanderers. She can control quantum energy and release it in blasts. She can also convert her being into quantum energy. In this state, she has super speed. Outside of this first appearance, the character was rarely seen... appearing as a background character at Legion weddings and anniversaries. She and the Wanders assisted in the Legion's Great Darkness saga. In a short-lived Wanderers series in 1988/89, all the original Wanderers were killed and recreated through a cloning process administered by a rogue Controller.
To date, neither the original Quantum Queen nor her clone has ever been admitted as a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. This prediction failed to happen.
Adventure Comics #354, cover art by Curt Swan and George Klein |
Entry #3 - Reflecto
The next statue shown is that of Reflecto. This was his first appearance. His plaque states he was killed in "a duel with the Molecule Master."
By 1981, Reflecto was the only character shown on the cover of Adventure Comics #354 who had yet to be introduced in an actual story. In 1981, writer Roy Thomas decided it was time to get this predicted hanging-chad taken care of. Reflecto was finally introduced in Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2) #277 - 282, and this tale was a rough one to get through.
In this convoluted tale, Ultra-Boy is believed to have been killed (don't worry, he was actually only lost in time). Somehow he mind-melds with Superboy in the 20th century, and then disguises his features, and then ultimately shows up in the future as an amnesiac Reflecto!
When the whole mess is figured out, instead of removing the statue of the fallen Ultra-Boy (that they had erected way too quickly IMHO!), they have it altered to look like Reflecto and leave it in the Hall! Keep in mind that Reflecto, who never really existed, was also never extended membership in the team... yet now there was an explanation for the statue shown 14 years earlier in the "Adult Legion" tale we are covering! Sigh!
Making this tale even more foolish, Phantom Girl asks Ultra-Boy, "How does it feel to be the only living Legionnaire enshrined in the Hall of Dead Heroes?" Umm, apparently she forgot her long-time fellow member Duo Damsel, whose Triplicate has a statue. Ugh! This entire 6-issue storyline ended up being much more about returning Superboy to the Legion (he had resigned a few years earlier) than it was about creating a Reflecto character. The Reflecto statue was rarely ever shown again... thankfully. Readers were spared being continually reminded of this hot mess of a story!
A second (and real) Reflecto eventually debuted in the 4th volume of The Legion of Super-Heroes (the 5-Year Later Continuity). His real name was Stig Ah from the planet Rimbor. He was inducted into the team during the "5-year gap". His time as a member was short-lived as he was killed by the Molecule Master (as predicted) by poisonous gas.
Adventure Comics #354, cover art by Curt Swan and George Klein |
Entry #4 - Shadow Woman
The final statue shown on the cover of Adventure Comics #354 is that of Shadow Woman. Her plaque states she would die "saving the Science Asteroid".
The character was officially introduced in Adventure Comics #365 (Feb. 1968). Differing from the statue shown a year earlier, she used the name Shadow "Lass" and her skin color was blueish rather than Caucasian.
Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2) #300 (1983), Shadow Lass visits the Science Asteroid with fellow Legion member, and boyfriend, Mon-El. While there, she covers herself in "white" skin tone makeup and says she's changing her code name to Shadow Woman. Though the issue is filled with much foreshadowing of her predicted demise, she ultimately remains alive.
This issue finally makes it clear that there are many possible alternate futures and that the events depicted in 1967 in the original "Adult Legion" tale will no longer be considered set in stone.
Adventure Comics #354, cover art by Curt Swan and George Klein |
Entry #5 - Molecule Master
The next character predicted on the cover of Adventure Comics #354 (March 1967) is Molecule Master. Though not pictured, he's mentioned on the memorial statue for Reflecto.
Molecule Master was introduced in Superboy (vol. 1) #201 (1974), the same issue where Wildfire is inducted as a member of the team.
Molecule Master
turns up again in the Superboy/Ultra-Boy/Reflecto tale in 1981, though he doesn't kill Reflecto as predicted, instead, he is a pawn of the Time Trapper. The character was rarely utilized otherwise.
In the 5YL Legion (volume 4), he is said to have murdered the second Reflecto, though this continuity has been wiped from every happening.
Adventure Comics #354, cover art by Curt Swan and George Klein |
Entry #6 - The Marriage of Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl
In the opening splash page of Adventure #354, Superman encounters the Hall of Married Heroes. You know... as so many teams have! (Statues were a huge trope in the Silver Age of DC Comics.)
The first couple shown is Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl. These two were the Legion's longest couple, so finding them married as adults was no surprise.
two actually married in
All-New Collectors Edition C-55 (March 1978). As required by the Legion Constitution at the time, the two or forced to retire from the team.
Later the same year, in Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #245 (Nov. 1978), the Legion Constitution is amended and the two rejoin the team. They would eventually go on to have twin sons... something not alluded to in Jim Shooter's "Adult Legion" story!
Entry #7 - Timber Wolf
The second statue of married Legionnaires on the splash page is that of Light Lady and Timber Wolf. Before we address this predicted marriage, we have to acknowledge that this is the first time Timber Wolf is shown being a member of the Legion.
The Legion met Brin Londo, aka Lone Wolf, in Adventure Comics #327 (12/1964). He assisted the Legion on one of their adventures and was extended an offer to join the team, but he declined. This "Adult Legion" story is the first time readers see him again, learning that he now uses the name Timber Wolf and that at some point he did indeed join the Legion of Super-Heroes.
Teenage Brin, as Timber Wolf, is next seen as a student in the Legion Academy in Adventure Comics #372 (9/1968). In this story, he graduates the Academy (along with Chemical King) and is extended membership in the Legion of Super-Heroes.
Entry #8 - The Marriage of Light Lass and Timber Wolf
When the Legion first met Brin Londo, it was established right away that Ayla Ranzz (Light Lass) was smitten with him. Let's face it, DC was obsessed with male/female couplings at this time....hence the notion that there is even a "Hall of Married Heroes" in the
first place!
In regular continuity, Timber Wolf did eventually join the Legion, and the two dated for a long time. Eventually, Ayla asked Brin to leave the Legion with her. He declined. When she eventually decided to return to the team, she made it clear that their relationship was over. She eventually began a relationship with fellow LSH member Shrinking Violet, while Brin remained single.
This “Adult Legion" prediction of marriage never came to be. Nor did their children, Brin, Bran, and Loni! Additionally, it should be noted that by the time of this "Adult Legion", Ayla would no longer have been Light Lady, she would have been Lightning Lady! Her original lightning powers were restored while Superman was still Superboy.
Entry #9 - The Marriage of Night Girl and Cosmic Boy
The next couple shown in the opening splash page is that of Cosmic Man and Night Woman. We are told that Night Girl quit the Subs to marry Cosmic Boy.
In the 5YL Legion (volume 4, circa the early 1990s), Night Girl and Cosmic Boy did indeed get married. In fact, they also had a son (Pol Jath Krinn) who they named after Cosmic Boy's brother, Magnetic Kid, who died in action as a member of the Legion during the
Magic Wars saga.
The 5YL continuity was eventually erased by the events of Zero Hour. Night Girl and Cosmic Boy shared one final embrace as their continuity faded away.
Following the events of Infinite Crisis (circa 2005), the Legion is returned to a continuity that closely resembles the original Legion. In this continuity, Night Girl had finally been extended membership in the Legion Of Super-Heroes and she was still in a relationship with Cosmic Boy.
Entry #10 - The Legion Headquarters
The next new revelation in this "Adult Legion" story is the expansion of the Legion's Headquarters. Up until this issue, the Legion was still utilizing their inverted rocket "club house".
This prediction of an updated headquarters complex was one of the quickest to be fulfilled. Just 12 issues after this tale, the original HQ was severely damaged by the Fatal Five. With the help of the Miracle Machine, the Legion is given a new
headquarters that closely resembles the one Superman first sees in this "Adult Legion" tale.
With all this said, the Legion would end up having several other updated HQs before Superboy would ever become Superman!
Entry #11 - The Marriage of Shrinking Violet and Duplicate Boy
The next statue commemorating married Legionnaires is that of Shrinking Violet and Duplicate Boy.
Duplicate Boy was one of the Heroes of the planet Lallor that the Legion met in
Adventure Comics #324 (Sept. 1964). He and Shrinking Violet maintained a long-distance relationship for years following their initial meeting. In the "Adult Legion" story it is stated that the two married, Violet resigned the Legion, and after entering into wedded bliss, the duo had two children.
This prediction was a doozy of a fail! Violet and Duplicate Boy called it off after the Durlan named Yera took Violet's place on the team by impersonating her. Yera began dating Colossal Boy instead.
Once the switch between Vi and Yera became known, Violet called Duplicate Boy a moron and that was the end of their relationship.
Violet did not marry, nor did she have children. Instead, she ended up affirming her bisexuality and entered into a long-time relationship with fellow Legionnaire, Lightning Lass,
Entry #12 - The Marriage of Phantom Girl and Ultra Boy
The next prediction presented in Adventure Comics #354 is Phantom Girl (Tinya Wazzo) and Ultra-Boy (Jo Nah) marry and have two children. After marrying she resigns and he becomes a reservist. His primary job now is as a Quadrant Director for the Science Police.
During the Legion's original continuity, these two were always lovers, but never married. When the Legion's original timeline jumps into the 5YL continuity, Jo finally proposes to Tinya, but she is killed through the machinations of the Legion's enemy, Glorith, as a vendetta against Ultra-Boy.
the following "ReBoot" continuity (after DC's
Zero Hour), Tinya (now called Apparition) and Jo did indeed marry. They had one child, known as Cub who inherited their powers. Jo never worked for the Science Police.
Entry #13 - Mon-El
The next Adult Legion prediction was that Mon-El would leave the Legion to explore space and make way for the colonization of many worlds.
This prediction has been fulfilled numerous times in various Legion/DC continuities. Following Crisis on Infinite Earths (when Superman was never Superboy) a whole new origin for Mon-El was required. He soon became referred to as Valor instead of Mon-El.
It was established that he spent much time in the 20th century preparing planets for colonization. These included several planets that would eventually be the birthplaces of future Legion members and other future heroes. These planets included Carggg, Lallor, Winath, Zwen, and Bismoll. Because of his work, the inhabitants of several of these planets would revere Valor in a god-like way.
The one prediction not included in the original Adult Legion tale was his longstanding relationship and eventual marriage to Shadow Lass (you know, given that she hadn't actually been introduced yet!).
Entry #14 - Mater-Eater Lad
The Adult Legion tale predicted that Matter-Eater Lad would resign from the Legion and become the President of his home planet of Bismoll.
In regular continuity, it seemed this was on its way to becoming true. In Superboy (vol. 1) #212 (Oct. 1975), he was indeed "drafted" into Bismollian politics, resigned from the team, and became a Senator.
In the following 5YL continuity, he would act as a lawyer for the team, initially helping free Polar Boy from Dominator imprisonment. He later married former Legion villain, Saturn Queen, after she reformed her evil ways!
To date, he's never officially transitioned to being President of Bismoll in any of the Legion's various continuities.
Entry #15 - Colossal Boy
The next Adult Legion prediction was that of Colossal Boy, who is said to have resigned after losing his powers. Though not specifically stated, it's implied that he's a bachelor. He works for the "Intergalactic Guard", which I can only assume is a form of futuristic National Guard!
As things played out in the continued publication of Legion adventures, Colossal Boy did not remain a bachelor nor did he lose his powers. In fact, in the original continuity of the Legion, he and his bride (Yera) were the 4th marriage in Legion history, and the first time a Legionnaire didn't marry another Legionnaire.
Though he was not shown joining the Intergalactic Guard, he was shown as having resigned from the Legion and joining the Science Police in the 5YL Legion continuity (where he also finally sported the beard shown in Adventure Comics #354!).
Entry #16 - The Marriage of Dream Girl and Star Boy
The next prediction in the Adult Legion story is that Star Boy and Dream Girl would marry, resign from the Legion, and take up residence on Star Boy's home plant of Xanthu.
This one's a dud! Star Boy eventually resigned from the team when he was ordered to come back to Xanthu. He and Dream Girl's relationship was over. In the 5YL continuity, Dream Girl returned to her home planet of Naltor to be the High Seer. Starboy, eventually married a woman
named Yvyya, the owner of Naltorian batball team. Starboy retired from being a hero and took over as coach of the team.
Entry #17 - The Marriage of Duo Damsel and Bouncing Boy
Next, we quickly see an update for Bouncing Boy and Duo Damsel. They have married, Bouncing Boy lost his powers, and they have a baby boy. This prediction is especially unique because up to the printing of this issue, a relationship between Duo Damsel and Bouncing Boy had never been established or hinted at.
Bouncing Boy did indeed lose his power (more than once), though, in the original continuity, he regained it. The pair were the first Legionnaires to marry (Superboy (vol. 1) #200 (Feb. 1974)). They resigned from the team after their marriage (as mandated at the time by the Legion's bylaws). They would continue to act as reservists on the team, served in the second incarnation of the Legion of Substitute Heroes, and ran the Legion Academy where they helped mentor new heroes.
Entry #18 -
Polar Boy (and the other Subs)
The next revelation is that the Legion of Substitute Heroes and the main Legion combined their members after so many heroes left the main team. In a single panel, it's revealed that Polar Boy is now a full-fledged Legionnaire. It is also revealed in the letter column of Adventure Comics #358 that Color Kid (now called Color King) is also an active member of this "Adult Legion", but he was on another mission when this tale took place.
In regular Legion continuity, Polar Boy eventually joined the main Legion after demonstrating a greater skill with his powers (Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3) #14 - 1985). He served admirably, eventually being elected Legion Leader for a time. However, when he joined the main team it was noted that the Subs had been disbanded.
In the 5YL Legion continuity, it is revealed that most of the original Subs, including later members Infectious Lass and Porcupine Pete, did indeed get merged into the main Legion during the 5-year gap. They would be essential in resistance efforts that helped overthrow the Dominator's hold on Earth and the United Planets.
Entry #19 - Cosmic Boy as Legion Leader again
The Adult Legion Legion tale revealed that Cosmic Boy (Man) would be the leader of the Legion once again.
This never happened in the original continuity of the Legion which concluded with the Magic Wars storyline in 1989 (
Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3) #63). But it should be noted that Cosmic Boy/Man did indeed become the leader of the Legion, once again, when the team was reformed after the 5-year gap told in volume 4 of the
Legion of Super-Heroes.
Entry #20 - Jan Jor
The next revelation from the Adult Legion tale in Adventure Comics #354 comes when the members scour over their records to review any former members who may have joined the team under false pretenses, or who had taken up a life of crime since resigning from the team.
In one panel, there is a character shown with the name Jan Jor. We know nothing about this man other than he is assumed to be a past member of the team, and his story was never told. Or maybe it was? Three years
prior, in
Adventure Comics #327 there is a single panel that mentions another mystery Legionnaire who is serving time for joining the Legion under false pretenses! Might this unknown former member be Jan Jor?
Ah! The fun of theorizing Legion history!!
Entry #21 - Power Boy
The next prediction in the imaginative Adult Legion story is that there will be a fallen Legionnaire named Power Boy.
Power Boy indeed had a debut in 1978, as a member of the Legion Academy. He attempted to join the Legion several times but was never successful. In the 5YL continuity, his death was fulfilled when he was killed by a Khund warrior while serving as a member of the
United Planets Militia. But he never was extended membership in the Legion as predicted.
When the 5YL continuity was erased from existence, Power Boy returned following the events of Infinite Crisis, which restored much of the original Legion's history. In this continuity, he graduates from the Legion Academy (along with his boyfriend, Gravity Kid, and several other long-serving students) but he is not extended membership to the main team. He chooses instead to join the Science Police.
Entry #22 - Douglas Nolan
We're going to deviate from "predictions" on this entry, and instead simply present an observation!
When the Legion members finally reveal that they know the person they've been battling is Douglas Nolan, he is shown wearing the costume his brother wore as Ferro Lad. On top of that, it has the "Fe" on the helmet, an art mistake that only occurred in one prior comic (
Adventure Comics #347). I'm guessing this
helmet "Fe" was added back in for reader recognition since his chest logo is covered up.
While I'm guessing that Douglas wearing the Ferro Lad costume was a plot device to temporarily confuse readers about whether Ferro Lad might still be alive, it just seems odd since it is never explained (Much like how Fire Lad was already in his costume when he gained his powers!!). It could have been interesting for this to have been referenced when it was ultimately revealed in Legion of Super-Heroes #300 (1983) that Douglas, indeed, wanted to replace his brother as Ferro Lad.
Entry #23 - Legion of Super-Villains
The final reveal in the adult Legion tale featured in Adventure Comics #354 was that the Legion of Super-Villains, and its core members (Lightning Lord, Saturn Queen, and Cosmic King), are still up to their criminal ways. It turns out they were responsible for mentally controlling Ferro Lad's twin brother to fight the Legion.
All three of these villains would indeed continue to lead various versions of the LSV throughout almost every Legion continuity since their Silver Age creation.
The one exception was during the 5YL continuity when both Saturn Queen and Lightning Lord would finally be rehabilitated and retire from their evil ways. Mekt (Lightning Lord) Ranzz resided on Winath with his boyfriend Colt, and he worked on the family farm with his brother Garth (Lightning Lad). Eve (Saturn Queen) Aries assumed the royal throne of Titan and married her consort, Tenzil (Matter-Eater Lad) Kem. This continuity has of course been erased.
Entry #24 - Beauty Blaze
The original "Adult Legion" story in 1967 was a two-issue tale! We've covered all the predictions from Adventure Comics #354. Now it's time to jump over to Adventure Comics #355 and continue our tour!
First up, we are told that the Legion of Super-Villains would add some powerful new members. The first is Beauty Blaze. She has the power to cause combustion and flames. Naturally in this tale, her powers were pitted against those
of Polar Boy.
As it turned out, Beauty Blaze was pretty much forgotten after this "future" tale. Following the Zero Hour/Reboot Legion, Beauty Blaze was featured as a background character in a couple stories. Her importance in the LSV was never fulfilled.
Entry #25 -
Next up is another villain slated to join the Legion of Super-Villains. His name is Echo and he has the ability to project sonic emissions with keen precision.
Echo, like Beauty Blaze, was pretty much forgotten in the original run of the LSH. In the 5YL continuity, he was shown to have become a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes during the 5-year gap.
Since the 5YL continuity was wiped from existence, Echo has appeared a couple more times in more recent continuities... each time as a member of the Super-Villains.
Entry #26 - Mr. Mxyzptlk and Lex Luthor
The next prediction from the adult Legion tale is that the descendants of Lex Luthor and Mr. Mxyzptlk want to atone for the sins of their departed relatives by using their abilities for good. Ironically, they both look exactly like their departed ancestors... including Lex being bald even though in the Silver Age Lex's baldness was caused by a chemical accident in his childhood, not heredity!!
The future Lex Luthor has the powers of both Light Lass and Star Boy, and the future Mxyzptlk of course has magical abilities. Once they give a hand to this adult Legion,
they are given membership on the team.
To my recollection, these future versions of Lex and Mxy were never actually heard from again.
Entry #27 -
Two Separate Legions
Interestingly, at the conclusion of this two-issue tale, Element Man and Lightning Man both reference their "Adult Legion" ... thus cementing the notion that there might still be different "teenage Legion". This idea would be confirmed in the
letters pages of
Adventure Comics #358 a few months later.
A fan named Helmut Wenke deserves some praise for asking a ton of questions that this two-issue Adult Legion tale failed to address! One of his questions asked why there weren't still teenagers in the group. The editors at DC responded that there was indeed still a "teen auxiliary Legion".
I would posit that this "auxiliary Legion" has possibly been fulfilled in a couple different ways. One was with the establishment of the Legion Academy, whose members swayed younger. In the post-Infinite Crisis continuities, the older Legion members would eventually welcome younger graduates like Chemical Kid, Dragonwing, and Glorith II into their ranks. (I admit this doesn't support any type of Adult vs Teen Legion... but I think the concept bends itself to the overall idea!
The second way the prediction of this "teen auxiliary" team might have been fulfilled was when the SW6 batch of Legionnaires was introduced in volume 4 of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 5YL continuity. Two teams of Legionnaires separated by age and experience!
Entry #28 -
Two Separate Legions
For the final entry on this tour, we're going hone in on the letter from Legion fan Helmut Wenke, and more specifically the response from the Editor. We are informed that Chameleon Man, Sun Man and Color King were away on a mission. Based on the membership of the Legion at the time this Adult Legion story was published, that leaves just 3 Legionnaires unaccounted for (Invisible Kid, Karate Kid, and Princess Projectra).
So let's dive into this.
Invisible Kid was killed in
Superboy (vol. 1) #203 in 1974. While his death was not predicted in the Adult Legion tale, his absence in that story certainly made killing him off have some carte blanche!
Karate Kid and Princess Projectra dated for years and eventually married. Karate Kid was killed in action in Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3) #4 in 1984. This could explain his absence in the Adult Legion story. Of course, by the time of Karate Kid's death, the Adult Legion story had already been established as a "possible future" rather than a "canon future"
Personally, I find it odd that the Adult Legion writer, Jim Shooter, didn't include Karate Kid and Princess Projectra given that he created both characters and introduced them (along with Ferro Lad) into the Legion just a year earlier.
And with that, we close out the tour of the Adult Legion story. The Legion is often considered a complicated team for some readers due to the size of its membership and its many continuity reboots. Hopefully, I was able to keep things relatively simple, and that you found this journey worth the price of admission!!
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